Durham Haliburton Kawartha & Pine Ridge District Health Council


Name :

Durham Haliburton Kawartha & Pine Ridge District Health Council

Address  :

150 King Street, 3 Floor

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

K9J 2R8

Phone  :

705 748 2992

Fax  :

705 748 9600

Web URL  :

Not Available

Email  :

Age UK opens new support service for the elderly at Stamford Hospital

A NEW support service for the elderly has opened in Stamford Age UK officially opened its new centre at Stamford Hospital on Thursday last week The facility was set up to offer a range of care and social options for people in the town The centre also honours a commitment made to Stamford Darby and Joan Club to run a social event for older peo... Read More

10 Million Aging Baby Boomers Heading Straight Into Alzheimer Years

One night my mother wandered I had no idea I was sound asleep When I woke up and found her she was fully dressed Her shoes were soaking wet It had rained the day before so I realized she had been out That was the turning point Thats when I knew I could no longer care for my mother at home It was beyond my control Helen Hendersons experience with... Read More