Cygnet Hospital Ealing

Name :

Cygnet Hospital Ealing

Address  :

22 Corfton Road

Town  :


State  :

Greater London

Country  :


Post Code:

W5 2HT

Phone  :

020 8991 6699

Fax  :

020 8991 0440

Web URL  :


A welcoming pleasant noninstitutional environment offering personalised treatment for service users with eating disorders and borderline personality disorders This includes a unique combined treatment for people with both conditions meaning a secondary diagnosis is not an excluding factor

Facilities and Care

Facilities include two lounges for each service a large outpatient service ensuite rooms a Care Programme Approach suite a large community room and a fully equipped relaxation sensory suite Outside we have a pleasant sun terrace and a garden area

Our team works hard to create a cheerful noninstitutional environment and to support individuals in their recovery and personal transformation We make use of a range of therapies including psychodynamic family occupational art drama and complementary therapies We also believe very strongly in patientcentred care and involve our service users in shaping their own treatment and in all aspects of hospital life
Currys ability to fight cancer put to the test

A chemical found in curry is to be tested for its ability to kill bowel cancer tumours in patients Curcumin which is found in the spice turmeric has been linked to a range of health benefits Studies have already shown that it can beat cancer cells grown in a laboratory and benefits have been suggested in stroke and dementia patients as well ... Read More

People With Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias Speak Out

quotI want to do as much as I can before this thing cuts me offquot quotThis thingquot is Vascular Dementia a form of dementia resulting from a single or multiple strokes Cynthia Williams wants you to know what its like to live with dementia quotI want people to know how humiliating it is to be treated like someone who has something so terrib... Read More