Christ's Hospital

Name :

Christ's Hospital

Address  :


Town  :


State  :

West Sussex

Country  :


Post Code:

RH13 0YP

Phone  :

01403 211293

Fax  :

01403 211580

Web URL  :


Mission Statement

Christs Hospital is a Charitable Foundation established by King Edward VI by a Royal Charter dated 1553 and privileged to enjoy the patronage of Her Majesty The Queen

It is and shall be the mission of Christs Hospital in perpetuity

To offer to boys and girls of suitable age an education of such breadth and excellence as will fit them preeminently for work and service in society in their generation and in particular to enable them to compete confidently with their peers for opportunities in further education and careers

To develop first the skills learning habits independence of mind and spiritual awareness that will enable and motivate them to continue to educate themselves throughout their lives and second a high sense of responsibility towards themselves their families their associates and to society at large such as to form a permanent foundation of their training and character

To present to its pupils the Christian faith in all its mystery and splendour

To have regard especially to children of families in social financial or other need in the choice of pupils that choice to remain the prerogative of the Foundation

To maintain and further the close connection between the Foundation and the City of London so successfully nurtured since 1552
Lung transplant breakthrough hailed

Doctors believe a pioneering transplant technique which cleans and reconditions donor lungs could help save the lives of many patients desperately waiting for new organs A UKwide study has been welcomed by patients groups who claim it will bring hope to many with chronic lung disorders Only one in five of the potential donor lungs available i... Read More

Highlevel trauma care may limit disability

The findings researchers say add to evidence that patients fare better when theyre treated under an organized trauma system where hospitals emergency services and state governments have coordinated plans for getting the right patients to the appropriate treatment Socalled Level I trauma centers provide the most comprehensive care for traumatic ... Read More