Chiltern House Medical Centre

Name :

Chiltern House Medical Centre

Address  :

45 / 47 Temple End

Town  :

High Wycombe

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

HP13 5DN

Phone  :

0844 477 1848

Fax  :

0844 477 1849

Web URL  :


Chiltern House doctors surgery in High Wycombe provides the highest quality healthcare to patients in the area We are a six doctor practice situated in the centre of High Wycombe just over the road from the Morrisons Superstore We look after almost 10000 patients from a diverse social spectrum together with our branch surgery at Dragon Cottage 35 Browns Road Holmer Green

The main surgery is housed in a recently extended and modernised grade II listed building which dates back to 1675 As you would imagine the building has some fascinating history including having fresco painting in the plasterwork walls dated 1779 unfortunately long since gone More recent history surrounds the Gibson Family who bought the premises in 1908 and ran a chair making business until 1938 John Gibson was also the Mayor of Wycombe from 1922 until 1924 The Air Ministry bought the premises in 1941 and eventually sold it to Parker Knoll An expatient inherited number 45 in 1973 and sold it for pound23000 How times change
Hospital discharge criticism

The Care Quality Commission CQC which is responsible for reviewing practices at health providers across the UK raised concerns over the hospitals ability to coordinate care for patients when they are discharged to other services The review was designed to see what progress had been made since concerns were first outlined last year The CQC rep... Read More

Laser attacks on pilots are on the rise records show

OTTAWAPilots flying in Canadian skies are getting hit with blinding lasers more than ever sparking calls for a crackdown on a problem that experts say threatens passenger safety Nationwide reports of aircraft getting hit with lasers was up dramatically in 2011 to 229 up from 183 in 2010 a 25 per cent jump And the trend shows little sign of abat... Read More