Charles Clifford Dental Hospital

Name :

Charles Clifford Dental Hospital

Address  :

76 Wellesley Road

Town  :


State  :

South Yorkshire

Country  :


Post Code:

S10 2SZ

Phone  :

0114 271 7800

Web URL  :


About Us
Charles Clifford Dental Hospital was opened in 1953 to provide specialist dental services for people in Sheffield and the surrounding districts

In 1966 the hospital was extended and has recently undergone a redevelopment programme It is a dental teaching hospital linked to the University School of Clinical Dentistry which has an intake of 80 undergraduate dentists and 30 hygienists and therapists each year It is currently expanding its postgraduate and research activities
One in 12 kids catches infections in hospital

Almost one in 10 children admitted to hospitals catch infections mostly respiratory during their medical care that made them sicker rather than better a British study has found A survey of more than 50000 patients admitted in more than 100 hospitals in UK has found that one in 16 children had an infection associated with their health care Mos... Read More

Health care turns deadly

CORNWALL The prognosis is not good for the Canadian health system according to William Charney and Michael Hurley who brought their message to Cornwall Thursday As many as 63000 Canadians will die from a medical error or hospitalacquired infection this year making it the second leading cause of death they say They say research shows 18 of Ca... Read More