Centre Hospitalier du Comte de Huntingdon


Name :

Centre Hospitalier du Comte de Huntingdon

Address  :

rue Châteauguay CP 6000

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

J0S 1H0

Phone  :

450 264 6111

Web URL  :

Not Available
UK trial for portable braincooling device

A trial has begun of a portable braincooling device which could enhance the survival prospects of cardiac patients Groundbased cars in the service of the charity Londons Air Ambulance are the first in the UK to carry the Rhinochill machine Larger braincooling devices are already used in UK hospitals on cardiac and stroke patients to aid recov... Read More

Statins cut risk of bowel cancer Danger halved by cholesterolbusting pills

Pills taken by up to seven million Britons to combat high cholesterol could more than halve the risk of bowel cancer according to researchers Statins which cost as little as 40p a day slashed the chances of the disease developing by an average of 57 per cent And in patients taking higher doses of the cholesterolbusting drugs or were on them for ... Read More