Centre Hospitalier de Bedford


Name :

Centre Hospitalier de Bedford

Address  :

rue Saint-Joseph C.P. 1140

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

J0J 1A0

Phone  :

450 248 4303

Web URL  :

Not Available
Shift workers risking diabetes and obesity

Shift workers getting too little sleep at the wrong time of day may be increasing their risk of diabetes and obesity according to researchers The team is calling for more measures to reduce the impact of shift working following the results of its study Researchers controlled the lives of 21 people including meal and bedtimes The results pu... Read More

Take the Sting Out of Shots

ARA Kids hate needles Many adults do too In fact millions of people get extremely anxious when they have to receive a shot because they are afraid it will hurt This fear of getting a shot is a major concern since children need a lot of them They need vaccinations or quotshotsquot to be protect them from dangerous diseases including measles mump... Read More