Central Milton Keynes Medical Centre

Name :

Central Milton Keynes Medical Centre

Address  :

68 Bradwell Common Boulevard
Bradwell Common

Town  :

Milton Keynes

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

MK13 8RN

Phone  :

01908 605775

Fax  :

01908 295653

Web URL  :


We are a busy urban practice consisting of nine GPs 2 Registrars a Nurse Practitioner and four practice nurses with a district nursing health visitor and midwife service all of whom work for the benefit of the patients

We believe that we provide a choice of personal care with a wide range of medical interests In line with modern practices we use a comprehensive computer service which is now a key tool in patient care record keeping prescribing and preventative medicine

We are a training practice which involves fully qualified doctors registrarsworking with us to become General Practitioners We will also have medical student working alongside from time to time You may be asked permission for these professionals to be present during your consultation You do of course have the right to refuse
Care at Epsom and St Helier hospitals improving

A survey has shown care is improving at Epsom and St Helier hospitals but is not among the best in the country The Care Quality Commissions NHS inpatient survey 2011 was based on feedback from 426 patients who used the hospitals Its findings showed 88 per cent of patients rated their care as good or excellent and 96 per cent of respondents th... Read More

The Oppressed Women

Low literacy of women in the world Over 110 million of the worlds children two thirds of them girls are not in school Of the worlds 875 million illiterate adults two thirds are women Two thirds of the worlds children who receive less than four years of education are girls Worldwide more than half the population of women over age 15 years cannot re... Read More