Cedar Lodge


Name :

Cedar Lodge

Address  :

Preston Road

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Post Code:

BA20 2BN

Phone  :

01935 428420

Fax  :

01935 411612

Web URL  :

Not Available
Handwashing found to cut hospital superbug infections

Handwashing helped slash rates of infection of methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA and C difficile in hospitals British researchers have found After the quotCleanyourhandsquot campaign rolled out at hospitals in England and Wales between 2004 and 2008 infection rates for the antibioticresistant strains fell The bacterial infections c... Read More

Freemium Medical Care Indian Hospital Shows That A Charitable Hospital Can Still Make A Profit

Aaron DeOliveira points us to an interesting documentary and related series of articles about a hospital in Bangalore India called Narayana Hrudayalaya which is providing top notch medical services to all comers and still making a profit in doing so The trick appears to be a variation on the basic concepts of the quotfreemiumquot model where you pa... Read More