Carlisle Regional Medical Ctr

Name :

Carlisle Regional Medical Ctr

Address  :

361 Alexander Spring Road

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Phone  :

717 249 1212

Fax  :

717 960 3520

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Colon & Rectal Surgeon
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Gastro-enterology
  • Gynaecology
  • Hematologist
  • Immunology
  • Internal Medicine
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Neurologist
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Oncologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngologist
  • Paediatrics
  • Pain Management
  • Pathology Lab
  • Physiotherapy
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Podiatry
  • Psychiatrist
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgeon

Total Number Of Beds : 165


About Carlisle Regional Medical Center
One of the top Carlisle hospitals Carlisle Regional Medical Center is in the heart of Carlisle PA We are committed to offering highquality healthcare stateofthe art equipment expansive services and unique programs Our high quality physicians and 165 bed facility makes Carlisle Medical Center one of the best Carlisle clinics

We are your premier regional medical center We deliver stateoftheart compassionate care while providing a superior patient experience

Through trusting and valued relationships we will be the pride of our community and the flagship of our industry We are elevating the state of health care and wellness in our community to new heights by expanding our services and improving the lives of all who enter here


Lydia Baird Home and Hospital

In the early 1890s the community launched a movement to establish a hospital in Carlisle Their vision was to offer an avenue through which the poor would receive medical treatment through a charitable institution

In April 1893 The Hospital Wards of the Lydia Baird Home and Hospital were opened Contributions of citizens and businessmen as well as proceeds from a concert in which the Indian School band took part furnished the 8bed hospital It had one private room When the doors opened no rush for treatment occurred In fact April gave way to May without anyone venturing to cross the hospitals threshold for treatment

So when the first patients actually did arrive they were greeted with much acclaim This came about when the Barnum and Bailey Circus came to town An accident occurred and injured circus employees became the first patients on May 12 Hospital officials were so excited they forgot to call a doctor

The Baird Hospital lasted three years setting a precedent for the need of such an institution in the community The doors only closed to make way for a new and better hospital The building still stands on the north side of East High Street today

Todd Hospital

In January 1896 Todd Hospital opened in a brick house on the northwest corner of F and North West Streets thanks to money donated by Carlisle resident Sarah Todd With a population of about 9000 at the turn of the century the Todd Hospital reported 43 people were hospitalized during the year 18 men 24 women and one child Hospital rules cautioned patients often referred to as guests to conduct themselves with decorum towards each other and the officers of the hospital on pain of immediate expulsion thereon In the 20 years that the Todd Hospital was open its main difficulty was dealing with a shortage of nurses whom they tried to lure with fringe benefits such as free trolley service and free telephone service offered free of charge to hospital nurses by the towns two telephone companies

Carlisle Hospital

In June of 1915 the contract was awarded to build the new Carlisle Hospital for 43500 on 20 lots located between Parker and Wilson streets On June 26 1915 the community turned out for the grand occasion of laying the cornerstone while children had the honor of breaking ground for the hospital

In early 1916 Todd Hospitals assets including the 30000 endowment from Mrs Sarah A Todd and the building later sold for 3400 were transferred to the new Carlisle Hospital

On July 21 1916 about 1000 people braved thunderstorms to attend the hospitals open house

On July 24 1916 four or five patients were transferred to the new Carlisle Hospital located at 246 Parker Street In its first year of operation Carlisle Hospital recorded 350 operations 38 births and an average of 10 patients per day It cost 250 per day for bed board and medicine and nursing in semiprivate wards and 3 and 4 a day for private rooms

In 1916 Walter C Stephens the first president of Carlisle Hospital believed on the conviction that Carlisle Hospitals purpose was to foster the neighborhood spirit which conveys to everyone the knowledge that in the Carlisle Hospital they will find food shelter rest kindly care sympathetic attention and the most humane and scientific treatment

Built on the roots deeply planted here in 1916 Carlisle Hospital has branched out to become a healthcare network that transitioned Carlisle Hospital from being primarily an inpatient care facility into a progressive outpatient services center

In 1931 the hospital was increased to 75 beds And in 1942 was expanded to add a 48bed wing and operating rooms In 1961 the cornerstone was laid for a threestory building to include a laboratory xray and dietary departments heating plant physiotherapy section modern emergency facilities pipedin oxygen and a recovery room in the operating suite

In 1998 Carlisle Hospital expanded beyond its walls at 246 Parker Street and expanded to a 25acre campus about 15 miles away off Walnut Bottom Road In May of 1998 the Board of Trustees and Medical Staff broke ground for new Cancer Center on the property On July 13 1998 Carlisle Hospital Surgery Center opened the areas first outpatient surgery center on 25 acres off Walnut Bottom Road And in July of 1998 opened the new Pain Management Center to assist patients in managing chronic and acute pain

1998 introduced the hospitals new website

October 1998 Carlisle Hospital and Health Services launched a new Customer Satisfaction Program to educate and motivate our employees to continue to provide excellent care and service to those using our services

On May 23 1999 Carlisle Hospital dedicated and opened its new Cancer Center citing the critical need for bringing together radiation therapy chemotherapy to be offered in a single facility that is close to home for so many cancer patients In 1999 the 13000 square foot facility equipment and furnishings cost a total of 6 million
Large city hospitals breed and spread MRSA

Hospitals in large cities are the breeding grounds of the superbug MRSA which then spreads to other hospitals as patients are transferred researchers believe The Edinburgh University team made the discovery by tracking MRSAs movements using its genetic code as a tag In the study the infection started its journey in large city centre hospitals... Read More

An early diagnosis helps families plan for the future

To help families with the assessment the Alzheimer Society has also produced a new brochure titled Getting A Diagnosis Finding Out If It Is Alzheimer Disease This brochure prepares families for the doctor appointment what to expect questions to ask and information to bring along A diagnosis can be made in a family doctors office a memory clinic ... Read More