Capwell Grange Nursing Home


Name :

Capwell Grange Nursing Home

Address  :

Addington Way
Oakley Road

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Phone  :

01582 491874

Fax  :

01582 564225

Web URL  :

Not Available
Capwell Grange Nursing Home


CAPWELL GRANGE is situated in a residential area of Luton with shops within walking distance and on a local bus route This modern bright and spacious home has been purposebuilt to meet the needs of residents There are two houses providing nursing care and two providing dementia care while Mitre House is a separate unit adapted to provide care for younger people with physical disabilities Each house has a comfortable lounge conservatory and dining area where residents may meet to relax or entertain guests All houses also have access to large landscaped gardens Many of the bedrooms have garden views and all offer ensuite facilities Daily activities take place including gardening games bingo shopping trips and pub lunchesCapwell Grange also offers care to those who have had strokes and palliative and terminal care

Hospital meals less healthy than Big Macs study

A Big Mac burger is healthier than 75 percent of NHS hospital meals a recent study conducted in the UK has revealed The study examined twenty five different meals provided by an NHS food supply chain to find that sixty percent of hospital food contained more salt than the popular McDonalds burger Seventy five percent had more saturated fat Th... Read More

Tips to keep kids safe at home

Every day in New Zealand an average of 22 children are admitted to hospital because of unintentional injuries or accidents For young children birth to 4 years old most of these injuries happen at home Media stories have reported on recent home injuries with serious and fatal consequences fires caused by kids playing with matches and lighters poi... Read More