Canterbury District Health Board


Name :

Canterbury District Health Board

Address  :

Cashmere Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

03 364 4106

Fax  :

03 364 4101

Web URL  :


The Canterbury District Health Board DHB is the second largest by population and by geographical area of the twenty DHBs Our region extends from Kekerengu in the North to Rangitata in the South and Arthurs Pass in the West and comprises the six Territorial Local Authorities of Kaikoura Hurunui Waimakariri Christchurch City Selwyn and Ashburton

We collaborate with other health and disability organisations stakeholders and our community to decide what health and disability services are needed and how to best use the funding we receive from Government to improve promote and protect the health wellbeing and independence of our population

Through this collaboration we ensure that services are well coordinated and cover the full continuum of care with the patient at the centre These collaborative partnerships also allow us to share resources and reduce duplication variation and waste across the whole of the health system to achieve the best health outcomes for our community
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