Bristol Homeopathic Hospital

Name :

Bristol Homeopathic Hospital

Address  :

Cotham Hill

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Post Code:


Phone  :

0117 973 1231

Web URL  :


Homeopathic medicine has been available in Bristol since 1852 when Dr Black first started dispensing from premises in the Triangle

During the next 69 years the service developed and expanded culminating in the commissioning in 1921 of a new hospital in the grounds of Cotham House The Bristol Homeopathic Hospital continued to provide a full range of services until 1986 when the inpatient facilities were transferred to the Bristol Eye Hospital where they continue to be provided and outpatient services were moved to the ground floor of the Cotham Hill site

In 1994 following the sale of the main building to the University by the Bristol and District Health Authority a new purpose built Department has been provided in the Annexe buildings of the main building adjoining the original Cotham House
Patients To Rate Their Hospital Treatment

A new test to improve care in hospitals in England will allow patients to rate the treatment they receive The quotfriends and family testquot will ask people whether they would recommend the hospital to their loved ones The Prime Minister said the data will give people a clear idea of where to get the best care The results will be publishe... Read More

Group B Neisseria meningitidis Vaccine Shows Promise

An investigational vaccine may represent a strong lead in the fight against group B Neisseria meningitidis according to results of a phase 2 study published online in the Lancet Administered in 3 doses over the course of 6 months a new bivalent vaccine was well tolerated and induced a strong immune response against multiple strains of the poten... Read More