BMI The Manchester Lifestyle Hospital

Name :

BMI The Manchester Lifestyle Hospital

Address  :

108-112 Daisy Bank Road
Victoria Park

Town  :


State  :

Greater Manchester

Country  :


Post Code:

M14 5QH

Phone  :

0800 027 6060

Fax  :

0161 249 3008

Web URL  :

Not Available


BMI Healthcare has ceased offering clinical services at BMI The Manchester Lifestyle Hospital from February 2011 These services have transferred to other nearby BMI hospitals including BMI The Alexandra Hospital in Cheadle

Care Fertilitys satellite clinic based at BMI The Manchester Lifestyle Hospital will not be impacted by the closure and will continue to operate as normal

We would like to thank everyone at BMI The Manchester Lifestyle Hospital for their hard work and dedication in providing excellent patient care to the local community

Stafford Hospital targets bowel cancer in under60s

Stafford Hospital has become the first in the UK to employ a dedicated nurse for bowel cancer in the under 60s Cancer support charity Macmillan has supplied the nurse who will look for the condition in people as young as 18 to the Mid Staffordshire Trust The post is partly funded by a charity run by Christine Woodward whose son died from t... Read More

Write all prescriptions in capital letters Mumbai citizens tell doctors

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