BMI City Medical (london)

Name :

BMI City Medical (london)

Address  :

17 St. Helen's Place

Town  :


State  :

Greater London

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

0845 123 5380

Fax  :

0845 123 5381

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • MRI Scanning
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Orthopedics
  • Urology
  • X-Ray

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray
  • CT/MRI


BMI City Medical is a medical centre in the heart of London offering patients a range of high quality private health care services Located close to Liverpool Street and Bank stations City Medical serves as a satellite unit of BMIs London hospitals This gives you the support of a network of hospitals with access to their services in a city centre location
Hospital meals less healthy than Big Macs study

A Big Mac burger is healthier than 75 percent of NHS hospital meals a recent study conducted in the UK has revealed The study examined twenty five different meals provided by an NHS food supply chain to find that sixty percent of hospital food contained more salt than the popular McDonalds burger Seventy five percent had more saturated fat Th... Read More

Concerns in UK over feeding tube diet

Dieticians have warned of the dangers of losing weight with a starvation diet available in Britain for the first time The British Dietetic Association BDA says there are huge risks to the diet in which people are given just 130 calories a day through a feeding tube that goes up their nose and down to their stomach The 10day regime forces the ... Read More