Bletchley Occupational Therapy Department

Name :

Bletchley Occupational Therapy Department

Address  :

Bletchley Therapy Unit
Whalley Dr

Town  :

Milton Keynes

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01908 372538

Web URL  :

Not Available
New drug may halt spread of killer hospital bug

A new antibiotic could help stem the spread of a notorious hospital bug by preventing recurrent infections new research suggests Almost 27000 cases of the Clostridium difficile C diff infection were reported in the UK last year In 2010 C diff caused 2704 deaths The bug spread by poor personal hygiene mostly afflicts people with weakened immun... Read More

Group B Neisseria meningitidis Vaccine Shows Promise

An investigational vaccine may represent a strong lead in the fight against group B Neisseria meningitidis according to results of a phase 2 study published online in the Lancet Administered in 3 doses over the course of 6 months a new bivalent vaccine was well tolerated and induced a strong immune response against multiple strains of the poten... Read More