Bickley Day Hospital


Name :

Bickley Day Hospital

Address  :

Defiant Precinct,
Church Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

NR17 2QE

Phone  :

01953 457342

Fax  :

01953 458862

Web URL  :

Not Available
Inadequate NHS diabetes care causing patients harm

NHS diabetes care is inadequate and some patients come to further harm due to poor care in hospital a leading specialist says Dr Gerry Rayman national clinical lead for inpatient diabetes warned many hospitals had no specialist diabetes nurse He said many hospital patients had diabetes and called the situation quite alarming The Department... Read More

Mothers milk and touch best for infants health

Becoming a mother can be both exhilarating and daunting Not just first time mothers but even those who have experienced the joy of motherhood earlier can go through a period of selfdoubt wondering whether she is doing the right thing to keep her newborn safe Doctors say two simple interventions exclusive breastfeeding and maximum skintoskin co... Read More