Berwick Infirmary

Name :

Berwick Infirmary

Address  :

Infirmary Square

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

TD15 1LT

Phone  :

0844 811 8111

Web URL  :

Berwick Infirmary
  • Cardiology
  • Daibetes, Endocrinology
  • ENT
  • General Medicine
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 42


Berwick Infirmary is located just off the A1 within the town centre of Berwick upon Tweed The hospital currently has 42 elderly assessment and rehabilitation beds Although the hospital building has a long history inside are a number of modern technological innovations

The PACS Picture Archive and Communications System allows xrays to be viewed and stored electronically The Telemedicine allows clinicians at the hospital to discuss cases with other health professionals via a computer link up to often saving saving patients a lengthy journey for followup outpatient appointments

At the main entrance you will find an information kiosk which can be used by visitors and patients to view this web site as well as others throughout the internet

All these new technical innovations alongside an ongoing programme of refurbishment ensure that the local community has access to some of the best and most modern facilities available
New strains of hospital bugs emerging

The HPA report which gives a snapshot of infection rates and antibiotic use last autumn found that while rates of MRSA and Clostridium difficile continue to fall other infections such as E coli and salmonella are taking their place The total prevalence of healthcareassociated infections HCAIs decreased from 82 in 2006 to 64 in 2011 though this h... Read More

Going to the Alzheimer support group certainly made it easier for me

Yvonne and Laurie Schwartz have made use of their local Alzheimer Society For ten months after Lauries diagnosis they tried to keep it hidden from their friends Yvonne says quotIt was the most difficult time you could imagine Laurie didnt want people to know He didnt want them staring at himquot They eventually joined an Alzheimer support group for... Read More