Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust


Name :

Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Address  :

2nd, 3rd and 4th Floors
Fitzwilliam House
Skimped Hill Lane

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

RG12 1BQ

Phone  :

01344 415 600

Fax  :

01344 415 666

Web URL  :


About Us
Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust provides local specialist care for people with ongoing or complex mental health issues substance misuse issues and some learning disabilities

Care is mainly provided through local community teams who offer treatment and support through a wide range of services with strong links to local partnerships

Our Mission amp Values
As a Foundation Trust our mission is to provide first class services to enable people to make the most of their lives

As an organisation we

pursue openness probity accountability and value for money in our decision

promote worklife balance

respect the unique contributions our partners make working together for the
mutual benefit of our service users and staff

recognise and celebrate success for patients staff our organisation and
for our partners

value the learning from failure as well as success

promote positive health and wellbeing for all

value all people equally regardless of race religion sexual orientation
age or professional group

challenge discrimination against people with mental health needs

provide safe accessible effective services through multiagency multi
professional working

promote change and accept challenge


Our History
April 2001 Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust formed from four NHS trusts
West Berkshire Priority Care NHS Trust
East Berkshire NHS Community Trust
East Berkshire Learning Disabilities Trust
Heatherwood amp Wexham Park NHS Trust

This meant that for the first time all NHS led mental health and learning disability services in Berkshire were provided by a single specialist Trust

May 2007 We gained authorisation as a Foundation Trust after months of detailed testing by Monitor the independent regulator of Foundation Trusts
October 2007 We gained excellent rating from the Healthcare Commission and received a Mark of Excellence for the quality of our services and good for our use of resources This made us the highest performing mental health trust in the South Central and South East Coast areas

April 2011 On 8 April 2011 Berkshire East and Berkshire West Community Health Services became part of Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust This means that we can now treat patients holistically and will help us improve our service to patients

May 2007 We gained authorisation as a Foundation Trust after months of detailed testing by Monitor the independent regulator of Foundation Trusts

October 2007 We gained excellent rating from the Healthcare Commission and received a Mark of Excellence for the quality of our services and good for our use of resources This made us the highest performing mental health trust in the South Central and South East Coast areas

April 2011 On 8 April 2011 Berkshire East and Berkshire West Community Health Services became part of Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust This means that we can now treat patients holistically and will help us improve our service to patients
Patients To Rate Their Hospital Treatment

A new test to improve care in hospitals in England will allow patients to rate the treatment they receive The quotfriends and family testquot will ask people whether they would recommend the hospital to their loved ones The Prime Minister said the data will give people a clear idea of where to get the best care The results will be publishe... Read More

Group B Neisseria meningitidis Vaccine Shows Promise

An investigational vaccine may represent a strong lead in the fight against group B Neisseria meningitidis according to results of a phase 2 study published online in the Lancet Administered in 3 doses over the course of 6 months a new bivalent vaccine was well tolerated and induced a strong immune response against multiple strains of the poten... Read More