Bedfordshire Heartlands Primary Care Trust


Name :

Bedfordshire Heartlands Primary Care Trust

Address  :

1 Doolittle Mill
Froghall Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

MK45 2NX

Phone  :

01525 631153

Fax  :

01525 636890

Web URL  :

Not Available


NHS Bedfordshire is responsible for commissioning all health services for more than 420000 people who live in the county

We were established as Bedfordshire Primary Care Trust PCT in October 2006 and cover the area formerly served by Bedford PCT and Bedfordshire Heartlands PCT We are now known as NHS Bedfordshire which more fully reflects what we do and our role as the leader of the NHS in Bedfordshire

We manage an annual budget of more than pound585 million all NHS money spent on healthcare for the people of Bedfordshire We use this to assess needs plan services fund care deliver patient satisfaction and assure quality This includes the quality of care provided by GPs nurses therapists dentists optometrists pharmacists and other health professionals working in the community

We also have responsibility for initiatives aimed at preventing ill health including the stop smoking programme childhood immunisations and influenza vaccinations

Our overall aim is to secure a real improvement in the health of local people We achieve this partly through partnership with primary care professionals other NHS organisations and with local authority colleagues independent providers and voluntary organisations
New drug may halt spread of killer hospital bug

A new antibiotic could help stem the spread of a notorious hospital bug by preventing recurrent infections new research suggests Almost 27000 cases of the Clostridium difficile C diff infection were reported in the UK last year In 2010 C diff caused 2704 deaths The bug spread by poor personal hygiene mostly afflicts people with weakened immun... Read More

Breakthrough Treatment For Brain Haemorrhage

Diagnosis is through MRI amp CT scans but treatment is through Cathlab Pinhole surgery is an alternative to traditional brain surgery in which the skull has to be opened The advantages are that only a short hospital stay is required for most procedures Blood loss infection pain and recovery time are reduced compared to conventional surgery Every ... Read More