Barking Hospital


Name :

Barking Hospital

Address  :

Upney Lane

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Post Code:

IG11 9LX

Phone  :

020 8983 8000

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Barking Hospital


Barking Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust operates across two main sites at Queens and King George hospitals The Trust serves a population of around 700000 from a wide range of social and ethnic groups making it one of the largest acute hospital trusts in England

The new Queens Hospital in Romford brought together the services previously run at Oldchurch and Harold Wood hospitals and complements King George Hospital which was built from new in 1993

The Trust operates two AampE departments at King George and Queens hospitals alongside other acute services consisting of all the major specialties of large district general hospitals

A joint cancer centre with St Bartholomews Hospital in London and a regional neuroscience centre at Queens are offered in addition to these services

The Trust is committed to working closely with its partners in the community to place patients needs at the centre of its services

A lot of work has been done in association with local authorities PCTs and other local care organisations in both meeting current demand and in planning for the future

The Trusts primary aim is to provide the right care in the right place and at the right time to the highest standards
Hospitals crackdown on the health tourists Oneyear residency rule to end 40m NHS scam

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Not all ICUs need a specialist at night study

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