Badsley Moor Lane Hospital

Name :

Badsley Moor Lane Hospital

Address  :

Badsley Moor Lane

Town  :


State  :

South Yorkshire

Country  :


Post Code:

S65 2QL

Phone  :

01709 302323

Fax  :

01709 302312

Web URL  :

Not Available
Middlesbrough has highest hospital admissions for poisoning injuries

MIDDLESBROUGH has the highest rate of hospital admissions due to poisoning injuries in the country according to new data The South West Public Health Observatory SWPHO has released the latest Injury Profiles for Local Authorities in England which puts Middlesbrough at the top of the league for poisoning injuries closely followed by Redcar and Cl... Read More

Tips to keep kids safe at home

Every day in New Zealand an average of 22 children are admitted to hospital because of unintentional injuries or accidents For young children birth to 4 years old most of these injuries happen at home Media stories have reported on recent home injuries with serious and fatal consequences fires caused by kids playing with matches and lighters poi... Read More