Ashford Hospital


Name :

Ashford Hospital

Address  :

London Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

TW15 3AA

Phone  :

01784 884488

Web URL  :


Ashford Hospital situated on the A30 to the west of London close to the junction 13 of the M25 and Heathrow Airport The hospital continues to provide a wide range of medical and mainly day surgical services outpatients services ophthalmology a dedicated stroke rehabilitation unit and now includes the Ashford Health Centre and Rapid Access Centre

The main centres of population served by the hospital are Ashford Staines Sunbury Shepperton Feltham Hanworth Bedfont Hampton Teddington Wraysbury and Heathrow Airport

With the recent closure of the West Wing all the wards and departments are located in buildings opened in 1995 The Education Centre is in the newest part of the building and provides a focus for training activities in the hospital including a well equipped library with computerised access and a state of the art lecture theatre
Hospitals crackdown on the health tourists Oneyear residency rule to end 40m NHS scam

Patients are having to prove they are entitled to free NHS care when they go to hospital in a crackdown on health tourism They are asked for evidence showing they have lived in Britain for at least a year by producing bills pay slips or bank statements The oneyear rule has existed for many years but has clearly not been effectively enforced Th... Read More

Health Buzz Kids Increasingly Injured After Swallowing Button Batteries

More kids are landing in the emergency room after swallowing coinsized button batteries There were nearly 66000 batteryrelated hospital visits by children under 18 between 1990 and 2009 and the annual number more than doubled jumping from 2591 to 5525 Thats according to a new study published today in Pediatrics The situation is worst for children 5... Read More