Alpine House Surgery

Name :

Alpine House Surgery

Address  :

86 Rothley Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

LE12 7JU

Phone  :

0844 8151860

Fax  :

0116 2374218

Web URL  :


The practice was established in 1984 practising from a Victorian house complete with its own fruit orchard The premises were extensively extended and refurbished in 1990 to provide ground floor consulting rooms together with purpose built treatment and patient waiting areas Further development took place in 2001 to create a first floor administration suite All consulting rooms are on the ground floor and are designed with disabled people in mind

We are a partnership of three male doctors and one Female doctor You are welcome to see any doctor but we do encourage you to see the same doctor for each episode of illness

We have a small car park with limited spaces for Patients There is on street parking available on Rothley Road and Halstead Road

The practice prides itself on providing good quality family medicine delivered in a well organised and timely manner by well trained and motivated professional staff

This surgery website is used to present all our patients with up to date news and information about our practice We will keep it current with any developments or other details that we feel are relevant to you
Handwashing found to cut hospital superbug infections

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People With Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias Speak Out

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