ZIGA - Alterseinrichtungen im Kanton Zug


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ZIGA - Alterseinrichtungen im Kanton Zug

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Protein used to treat cancer modified to boost potency reduce toxicity

London March 19 ANI Scientists have improved potency and reduced side effects of a naturally occurring protein used to treat cancers The utility of the protein known as interleukin2 or IL2 given as a drug to treat advanced cancers is limited by the severe side effects it sometimes causes But a Stanford University School of Medicine scientist ... Read More

Not all ICUs need a specialist at night study

The results published in the New England Journal of Medicine counter an argument from some in the medical community that ICUs need roundtheclock intensivists doctors who specialize in critical care quotOur knee jerk reaction is to try to put intensivists in every ICU at all hours of the day and that reaction is likely a misstep because it overs... Read More