Zentralspital - Pflegezentrum Baar


Name :

Zentralspital - Pflegezentrum Baar

Address  :

Landhausstrasse 17, Baar

Town  :


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Country  :


Post Code:

CH 6340

Phone  :

41-(0)41 767 5151

Fax  :

41-(0)41 767 5757

Web URL  :


Das Pflegezentrum Baar ist ein freundliches und begegnungsreiches Haus in dem besondere Menschen fuumlr andere besondere Menschen eine der wertvollsten Dienstleistungen erbringen auch im Alter medizinisch und pflegerisch bestens betreut zu sein
Protein used to treat cancer modified to boost potency reduce toxicity

London March 19 ANI Scientists have improved potency and reduced side effects of a naturally occurring protein used to treat cancers The utility of the protein known as interleukin2 or IL2 given as a drug to treat advanced cancers is limited by the severe side effects it sometimes causes But a Stanford University School of Medicine scientist ... Read More

Freemium Medical Care Indian Hospital Shows That A Charitable Hospital Can Still Make A Profit

Aaron DeOliveira points us to an interesting documentary and related series of articles about a hospital in Bangalore India called Narayana Hrudayalaya which is providing top notch medical services to all comers and still making a profit in doing so The trick appears to be a variation on the basic concepts of the quotfreemiumquot model where you pa... Read More