Pro Senectute


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Pro Senectute

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Geschäfts- und Fachstelle
Lavaterstr. 60

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Phone  :

044 283 89 89

Fax  :

044 283 89 80

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Die Angebote und Dienstleistungen von Pro Senectute werden kantonal und regional von den ProSenectuteOrganisationen umgesetzt Sie beruumlcksichtigen dabei die regionalen Gegebenheiten Auf diese Weise gelingt es gesamtschweizerisch eine grosse Angebotspalette zu garantieren und trotzdem auf die die lokalen Unterschiede einzugehen

Statins prevent cancer in transplant patients

Cholesterolbusting statins may reduce the risk of cancer in heart transplant patients as scientists find a new use for the drugs A study of transplant recipients in Switzerland has found that those on statins were less likely to develop cancer and less likely to die than those who were not taking the drug The effect did not depend on the patients... Read More

Third of diabetic patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose l

Almost one in three diabetic hospital patients are victims of medication errors that can cause dangerous blood glucose levels a report has found Hospitals in England and Wales made at least one mistake per inpatient in the treatment of 3700 diabetes sufferers in one week data showed During this period the affected patients succumbed to more than ... Read More