Hôpital Pourtalès


Name :

Hôpital Pourtalès

Address  :

Maladière 45
Case postale 516

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Post Code:


Phone  :

41 0 32 713 30 00

Fax  :

41 0 32 713 58 00

Web URL  :


Votre hospitalisation est preacutevue une date est arrecircteacutee Prenez le temps de consulter les diffeacuterents chapitres de la preacutesente rubrique Bon nombre de renseignements sur les us et coutumes de lHocircpital neuchacirctelois y sont deacutecrits Surtout les informations qui y figurent vous permettront de preacuteparer votre seacutejour dans les meilleures conditions possibles

Protein used to treat cancer modified to boost potency reduce toxicity

London March 19 ANI Scientists have improved potency and reduced side effects of a naturally occurring protein used to treat cancers The utility of the protein known as interleukin2 or IL2 given as a drug to treat advanced cancers is limited by the severe side effects it sometimes causes But a Stanford University School of Medicine scientist ... Read More

10 Million Aging Baby Boomers Heading Straight Into Alzheimer Years

One night my mother wandered I had no idea I was sound asleep When I woke up and found her she was fully dressed Her shoes were soaking wet It had rained the day before so I realized she had been out That was the turning point Thats when I knew I could no longer care for my mother at home It was beyond my control Helen Hendersons experience with... Read More