Foyer Handicap des Montagnes Neuchâteloises


Name :

Foyer Handicap des Montagnes Neuchâteloises

Address  :

Moulins 22

Town  :

La ChauxdeFonds

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

41(0)32 967 7300

Fax  :

41(0)32 967 7301

Web URL  :


Institution speacutecialiseacutee pour laccueil de personnes handicapeacutees physiques en acircge AI sans trouble important de la personnaliteacute situeacutee agrave 10 minutes du centre ville propose 30 studios eacutequipeacutes avec salle de bain et cuisinette adapteacutees dont un studio sert duniteacute daccueil temporaire Linstitution est certifieacutee OFASAI et ISO 90012000

Leacutetablissement met agrave disposition

Soins de base physiotheacuterapie et ergotheacuterapie
Ateliers doccupation informatique cuisine creacuteativiteacute
Animations individuelles et collectives
Restauration et cafeacuteteacuteria
Lingerie et entretien des studios
Les services cidessus sont agrave la carte en fonction des besoins de chacun

Statins prevent cancer in transplant patients

Cholesterolbusting statins may reduce the risk of cancer in heart transplant patients as scientists find a new use for the drugs A study of transplant recipients in Switzerland has found that those on statins were less likely to develop cancer and less likely to die than those who were not taking the drug The effect did not depend on the patients... Read More

Losing Weight Slowly and Steadily

At one time or another half the women and a quarter of the men in this country have tried to lose weight The ones destined to try again and again are most likely those looking for shortcuts There are none The only way to step off the diet treadmill is to find a weightloss program that helps you lose weight slowly and steadily one that trains you to... Read More