Clinique Belmont


Name :

Clinique Belmont

Address  :

26, route de Chêne

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Post Code:

CH - 1207

Phone  :

41 22 735 78 11

Web URL  :


La Clinique Belmont eacutetablissement fondeacute en 1978 est une pionniegravere en Suisse dans le traitement des addictions et des troubles alimentaires Elle travaille agrave partir dun programme cognitivocomportemental et systeacutemique et appuie son approche theacuterapeutique sur le strict principe du volontariat du patient

La Clinique Belmont propose un lieu de soins totalement ouvert sur lexteacuterieur avec une liberteacute totale de mouvements au sein de leacutetablissement et la possibiliteacute de recevoir ses proches enfants et famille

Elle accueille toute patiente souffrant de problegravemes de deacutependance ou de troubles alimentaires assureacutee en couverture de base obligatoire LAMAL

Statins prevent cancer in transplant patients

Cholesterolbusting statins may reduce the risk of cancer in heart transplant patients as scientists find a new use for the drugs A study of transplant recipients in Switzerland has found that those on statins were less likely to develop cancer and less likely to die than those who were not taking the drug The effect did not depend on the patients... Read More

Hospitals eye halal certification to attract patients from Middle East

There are two things that worry almost every patient from Islamic countries who come to Indian hospitals the meat they eat and the direction of Mecca With more than 75 of the medical tourists being from the Middle East hospitals are eyeing halal certification to make them feel at home On Monday Chennaibased Global Health City said it has became... Read More