Alterssiedlung Kantengut


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Alterssiedlung Kantengut

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Scalärastrasse 14

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081 354 13 13

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So lautet die gelebte Philosophie im Kantengut Mit unseren Aktivitaumlten und Veranstaltungen sind wir ein Treffpunkt der kulturellen und sozialen Art Verbindend altersuumlbergreifend schaffen wir Kontakte und ein gutes Lebensgefuumlhl fuumlr Bewohner und Besucher Kommen und gehen wieder daheim sein geborgen sein Heimat ist kein geografischer Begriff Man traumlgt sie in sich selbst Wir tun unser Bestes dazu
Statins prevent cancer in transplant patients

Cholesterolbusting statins may reduce the risk of cancer in heart transplant patients as scientists find a new use for the drugs A study of transplant recipients in Switzerland has found that those on statins were less likely to develop cancer and less likely to die than those who were not taking the drug The effect did not depend on the patients... Read More

Canada to get blueprint for mentalhealth strategy

OTTAWACanada is about to get its firstever national mental health strategy a massive report that may persuade Prime Minister Stephen Harper that his government must return Ottawa to a lead role on health care On Tuesday after five years of research consultations with thousands of people modelling forecasting and much agonizing the Mental Health C... Read More