Aar Reha Schinznach


Name :

Aar Reha Schinznach

Address  :

Badstrasse 55

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Phone  :

056 463 85 11

Fax  :

056 463 85 90

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Die aarReha Schinznach zaumlhlt zu den fuumlhrenden Rehabilitationskliniken in der Schweiz Wir bieten qualitativ hochwertige und auf individuelle Beduumlrfnisse abgestimmte Rehabilitation die sich am neusten medizinischen therapeutischen und pflegerischen Wissen orientiert Langjaumlhrige Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen fliessen in unsere Behandlungskonzepte ein immer mit dem Ziel den Gesundheitszustand zu verbessern und die Ruumlckkehr in den selbstaumlndigen Alltag zu ermoumlglichen Der Mensch steht bei uns im Mittelpunkt Rund 220 Mitarbeitende sorgen rund um die Uhr fuumlr ihr Wohlbefinden
Statins prevent cancer in transplant patients

Cholesterolbusting statins may reduce the risk of cancer in heart transplant patients as scientists find a new use for the drugs A study of transplant recipients in Switzerland has found that those on statins were less likely to develop cancer and less likely to die than those who were not taking the drug The effect did not depend on the patients... Read More

Four days without a heartbeatbut patient fine before operation

CHENNAI It has been four days since the heart of a 56dayold man stopped beating Relatives took him to a city hospital but over 96 hours later and without his heart being revived his condition is stable as he waits for doctors to operate on him A small machine has taken over the functions of the patients heart and lungs The machine cleanses his ... Read More