Whanganui District Health Board

Name :

Whanganui District Health Board

Address  :

Private Bag 3003

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

06 348 1234

Web URL  :


About Us
Whanganui District Health Board is responsible for improving promoting and protecting the health of local residents and the communities in which they live

Vision amp Values
Our Vision is to provide quotBetter health and independencequot and our Mission is quotto improve health and independence through a responsive and integrated health systemquot

All the Whanganui District Health Board endeavours are be guided by the following set of values
Working collaboratively and positively with others

Social equality
Valuing people respecting diversity and responsiveness in reducing
disparities in health

Being flexible and able to respond to change and new circumstances

Growth and learning empowering people and communities to achieve their goals

Acting honestly and openly following ethical principles service the public

Having concern for the consequences of ones actions prioritise and allocate resources in the best interest of the community

Respecting all people the rule of law institutions of democracy and the Treaty of Waitangi
Plan to reduce heart patient wait times

Cardiologists around New Zealand are watching a pilot project at Waikato Hospital in the hope it will help reduce treatment times for acute coronary syndrome The number of patients going to hospital emergency departments with symptoms of the syndrome which include chest pain nausea and sweating is rising nationwide putting pressure on bed availa... Read More

Jaslok Chief Saves Lives On Marine Drive

Routine early morning walk on Marine Drive took an unexpected turn on Sunday And his presence of mind helped save two of three seriously injured children The director general of Jaslok Hospital Peddar Road was taking his walk when he heard a loud thud He turned and found that a speeding motorcyclist had mowed down three children sleeping on the pav... Read More