Waihi Hospital & LifeCare Village


Name :

Waihi Hospital & LifeCare Village

Address  :

Toomey St

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Phone  :

07 863 8089

Fax  :

07 863 3534

Web URL  :


Waihi Hospital provides long term hospital care acute care respite care palliative care resthome care Meals on Wheels and Hospice care The resthome offrers you all the facilities care and security of having a hospital onsite together with large tranquil gardens Maternity Care is provided at the annexe in conjunction with local midwives
New Zealand Hospitals Face Staff Shortage

A Nurses Organization survey was carried out in New Zealand which has revealed that there is a need of nearly 120 nurses at the hospital wards It is being claimed by working nurses that the nursepatient ratio affects their capability of undertaking the job As per the findings the ratio causes them to provide only basic care to patients which in ... Read More

Not all ICUs need a specialist at night study

The results published in the New England Journal of Medicine counter an argument from some in the medical community that ICUs need roundtheclock intensivists doctors who specialize in critical care quotOur knee jerk reaction is to try to put intensivists in every ICU at all hours of the day and that reaction is likely a misstep because it overs... Read More