Thames Hospital

Name :

Thames Hospital

Address  :

PO Box 707

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

07 868 6550

Fax  :

07 868 9864

Web URL  :


Thames Hospital is a secondary hospital with a consultant services in the emergency department general medicine general surgery assessment and rehabilitation primary birthing services by lead maternity carers

The inpatient services are supported by radiology including CT services laboratory and allied health services

A full range of outpatient clinics are available from resident and visiting consultants and nurses in an ambulatory setting

Visiting older persons services community rehabilitation are also available

To find out more about the changes currently going on in Thames please check out our Building Programme information

Community nursing services allied health services operate from seven bases around the Coromandel Peninsula

A new inpatient area Emergency Department Radiology Department and outpatients area is at Thames Hospital

A spacious and well thought out Whanau Room is available for families who have to travel to support a family member while in hospital

There is also a new kitchen and cafe Sperry Lane at Thames Hospital for public use
Hospitals will get a shot in the arm

District health boards are snapping up a British National Health Service initiative to improve productivity in hospital wards and operating theatres The Productive Operating Theatre and Productive Wards Releasing Time to Care programmes involve relatively lowcost and simple measures Bay of Plenty District Health Board among the first to impl... Read More

Support Groups A Lifeline for People in the Early Stages of Alzheimers Disease

quotIt was like opening the door to a sunlit roomquot says a member of Phyllis Dycks support group recalling the first time she attended a meeting for people in the early stages of Alzheimers disease Never before had she been with other people who understood what it was like to live with the disease Caregiver support groups have been around for ... Read More