Tauranga Skin Cancer Clinic

Name :

Tauranga Skin Cancer Clinic

Address  :

19 Second Avenue

Town  :


State  :

Bay of Plenty

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

07 578 8089

Fax  :

07 878 8090

Web URL  :


About The Clinic
Our Clinic provides general practice based skin cancer care Dr Strydom the founder of the clinic has been credentialed by the DHB and PHO to provide basic to advanced level of care for patients with skin cancer This means the clinic can provide screening ranging from basic skin checks to advanced Dermoscopy evaluation of skin lesions Treatment includes topical treatment to surgical procedures Despite being known as quot The Capital of skin Cancerquot Screening is not funded by the government

Surgical procedures range from basic skin biopsies to advanced skin grafts and skin flaps quotOur main concern is to find the most appropriate form of treatment for the specific form of skin cancer and treatment that is best suited to each individual patient With our purpose built Operating Theatre we can deliver a wide range of surgical interventionsquot The Clinic is situated within City Centre Medical in 2nd Ave Tauranga
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