St John of God Halswell


Name :

St John of God Halswell

Address  :

26 Nash Road

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Phone  :

03 338 2009

Fax  :

03 338 2008

Web URL  :


St John of God Halswell is a specialist service providing long term residential support for people with physical and neurological disabilities aged between 16 and 65 years old in both a residential and community homes setting

The service aims to fill unmet need be innovative and maximise the quality of life for people with physical disabilities and those with terminal illnesses Integral to our care are our Values of Hospitality Compassion Respect Justice and Excellence

The residential facility is located amongst award winning gardens in the Christchurch suburb of Halswell The two Community Homes are located in nearby Addington At Halswell we also have three studio apartments available on a short to medium term basis for physically disabled people requiring accommodation

Halswell Caregiver amp ResidentAdmission is for people with disabilities such as multiple sclerosis Huntingtons disease muscular dystrophy motor neurone disease cerebral palsy spina bifida brain injury and spinal injury If vacancies exist we can also accept people needing palliative care and short term respite care

Our Vision
To live and proclaim the healing touch of Gods love where we invite people to discover the richness and fullness of their lives give them a reason to hope and a greater sense of their own dignity

Our Mission
To continue the healing mission of Jesus Christ through the provision of health care services that promote life to the full by enhancing the physical intellectual social and spiritual dimensions of being human

Our Values
A welcoming openness to all to the familiar and the mystery of self people ideals experience nature and to God

Feeling with another in their discomfort or suffering and striving to understand the others experience with a willingness to reach out

An attitude treasuring the unique dignity of every person and recognising the sacredness of all creation

A balanced and fair relationship with ourself neighbour all of creation and God

Giving the optimum standard of care and service within available resources


In 1886 the Sisters of the Good Shepherd arrived in Christchurch They opened an orphanage then a Girls Home a Home for the Elderly and the Commercial Mount Magdala Laundry

The original St John of God Hospital converted from the Sisters Convent was opened in 1970 and demolished in 1999 following the move into the new facility on 3 July 1999 The two Community Homes in Addington opened in May 1999
Our Patron Saint St John of God

St John of GodIn the first half of 16th century Spain Saint John of God devoted a major part of his life to alleviating human suffering to comforting and soothing the afflicted sick and dying John lived the teachings of Jesus Christ and as a man who recognised the great injustice of those experiencing disadvantage he was often heard encouraging others to quotDo good for yourselves by doing good for othersThe Sisters of St John of God

The congregation of the Sisters of St John of God was founded in 1871 in Wexford Ireland Word of the Sisters excellence in health care spread rapidly

Sisters in front of old subiacoIn response to a call from Perths Bishop Matthew Gibney eight Sisters arrived in Western Australia in 1895 to care for people stricken by typhoid in the chaos of the 1890s gold rush They went on to establish hospitals pathology and social outreach services in Western Australia Victoria and New South Wales in response to invitations from Bishops and local communitiesThe Hospitaller Order of St John of God

The Hospitaller Order of St John of God came to Australia from Ireland in 1947 to care for people experiencing disadvantage The Brothers began ministries in New South Wales and Victoria and then in Christchurch New Zealand focusing initially on learning difficulties and intellectual disability then on psychiatric care and child and family social services

Our larger broader organisation of today reflects the wisdom and inspiration of a number of founders the St John of God Sisters the Brothers of St John of God the Sisters of Joseph of the Apparition various Mercy Congregations the Sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood as well as the secular traditions of those parts of our ministry sourced outside the Catholic sector
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