SKIN Dermatology Institute

Name :

SKIN Dermatology Institute

Address  :

The Da Vinci Clinic
727 Cameron Rd

Town  :


State  :

Bay of Plenty

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

07 578 5350

Fax  :

07 578 5354

Web URL  :

SKIN Dermatology Institute
  • Dermatology

Total Number Of Beds : 5

Other Facilities

  • Pathology


SKIN is a small and specialised team lead by Dr Ben Tallon dedicated to providing the highest level of expert care in a warm and caring environment As the only skin institute in New Zealand offering Dermatopathology SKIN is in the unique position to offer you continuity of care from the earliest stages of screening through clinical diagnosis and all levels of treatment and surgery This gives you the best possible chance of accurate diagnosis as well as the reassurance of dealing with the same team through all stages of care
Children with ear infections leave parents in misery survey

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Freemium Medical Care Indian Hospital Shows That A Charitable Hospital Can Still Make A Profit

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