Rotorua General Practice Group

Name :

Rotorua General Practice Group

Address  :

1172 Haupapa Street

Town  :


State  :

Bay of Plenty

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

07 349 3563

Fax  :

07 348 8897

Web URL  :


At the Heart of Rotoruas Health Care

Rotorua Area Primary Health Services RAPHS is an independent health management organisation committed to health care excellence in the Rotorua area

Established in 1993 by a group of forwardthinking GPs RAPHS today manages a range of clinical programmes and support services and provides business administrative and technology support for all member practices

We work closely with family doctors and nurses and the General Practice teams who provide health care services to more than 64000 patients in the Rotorua and Murupara areas almost a third of whom are classified as living in deprived circumstances About 60 of enrolled patients are European 30 are Maori and 10 from other ethnic backgrounds

RAPHS is led by Chairman Dr Des Epp and a board of six other Directors representing a cross section of shareholders The Chief Executive Officer Kirsten Stone and 20 other staff members are based at central Rotorua offices

Our groundbreaking healthcare technology provides an extraordinary degree of security for patient records and has the potential to enable patients to authorise other practitioners involved in their healthcare to have access to their most uptodate and accurate information regarding medicines treatments referrals and other relevant facts
Neurosurgery Fund reaches 2 million

The Chair of Neurosurgery Fund has reached 2 million in 10 weeks though only 4 per cent of the funding so far has come from Southland Southern neurosurgery clinical director Martin MacFarlane said this was despite the fact about 50 per cent of the patients coming through the neurosurgery unit at Dunedin were from Southland Dr MacFarlane said... Read More

Group B Neisseria meningitidis Vaccine Shows Promise

An investigational vaccine may represent a strong lead in the fight against group B Neisseria meningitidis according to results of a phase 2 study published online in the Lancet Administered in 3 doses over the course of 6 months a new bivalent vaccine was well tolerated and induced a strong immune response against multiple strains of the poten... Read More