Rosedale Village


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Rosedale Village

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255 Rosedale Road
Albany North Shore

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We all reach a point where we take a moment to pause and prioritize a time when we can decide what will truly make us happy in life and then just go out and do it this is your time And Rosedale Village Golf amp Country Club is your place

Nestled in this beautiful and established Brampton community youll have ample time to relax and enjoy yourself To stop and smell the roses To settle down in a new home that complements your lifestyle with new friends and activities to choose from while staying conveniently close to family and old friends too

Its all waiting for you today at Rosedale Village Golf amp Country Club an active adult lifestyle that lets you play to your hearts content
Manage your asthma so you can live your life

Missing her recent swimming sports and Walkathon are just two of the downsides of having severe asthma and allergies for Aalyana Losefa And while Aalyana does get disappointed when she misses out she understands that being well is most important Aalyana is one of the nearly 300000 children in New Zealand with asthma quotAalyana has never known a... Read More

Going to the Alzheimer support group certainly made it easier for me

Yvonne and Laurie Schwartz have made use of their local Alzheimer Society For ten months after Lauries diagnosis they tried to keep it hidden from their friends Yvonne says quotIt was the most difficult time you could imagine Laurie didnt want people to know He didnt want them staring at himquot They eventually joined an Alzheimer support group for... Read More