Psoriasis And Skin Clinic


Name :

Psoriasis And Skin Clinic

Address  :

Level 3, 43 High St

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Phone  :

09 366 1336

Fax  :

09 366 9357

Web URL  :


About Us
quotWe address the triggers NOT just treat the symptomsquot

Finally New Zealanders can experience relief from their skin conditions thanks to ground breaking treatments now being offered through The Psoriasis amp Skin Clinic

The Psoriasis amp Skin Clinic is part of a large chain of clinics started more than 15 years ago by the very the successful and esteemed Australian medical researcher Dr Michael Tirant who began researching psoriasis and other skin conditions more than 25 years ago To date the Psoriasis amp Skin Clinics have SUCCESSFULLY TREATED MORE THAN 100000 PATIENTS with protocols and natural products that he has developed

The Psoriasis amp Skin Clinics have achieved outstanding results and Dr Tirants Treatment Protocols have been extensively independently Clinically Trialed in Europe please visit the Head Office website wwwpsoriasiscomau to read the reports of these clinical trials

At New Zealands first Psoriasis amp Skin Clinic here in Auckland we are devoted in using Michael Tirants Treatment Protocols in assisting you to achieve remission for your skin conditionWe address the TRIGGERS not just Treat the SYMPTOMS

At The Psoriasis amp Skin Clinic we treat Psoriasis Eczema Dermatitis Psoriatic Arthritis etc
Hospitals will get a shot in the arm

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The Lean Hospital

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