Opunake Health Centre

Name :

Opunake Health Centre

Address  :

Havelock Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Phone  :

06 761 8777

Fax  :

06 761 8008

Web URL  :


Opunake Health Centre services cover the area from Stony River to Kapuni

The centre is open between 10am and 230pm Monday to Friday excluding public holidays These hours may extend for specialist clinics

District Nursing services including palliative care nursing are provided through Stratford Health Centre

Outpatient clinics are held on a regular basis and include Nutrition and Dietetics Diabetes Education Asthma Education Cervical Screening Alcohol and Drug Counselling Vision and Hearing Testing Psychology Psychiatry Social Work Paediatrics and Occupational Therapy Clinics held by private practitioners include Podiatry Ante Natal Classes Hearing Association and Counselling
Plan to reduce heart patient wait times

Cardiologists around New Zealand are watching a pilot project at Waikato Hospital in the hope it will help reduce treatment times for acute coronary syndrome The number of patients going to hospital emergency departments with symptoms of the syndrome which include chest pain nausea and sweating is rising nationwide putting pressure on bed availa... Read More

How do you protect your children from household poisons

Selina Esteves thought that she knew everything when it came to protecting her children from danger The Toronto mother works at the Hospital for Sick Children and is constantly surrounded by messages about the importance of safety But she received a major jolt about four months ago when her toddler drank two bottles of liquid medication when ... Read More