Nelson Marlborough District Health Board

Name :

Nelson Marlborough District Health Board

Address  :

Private Bag 18
Tipahi Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Phone  :

03 546 1800

Fax  :

03 546 1811

Web URL  :


Our Vision
NMDHBs overarching vision is Leading The Way to Health Conscious Families That means both providing a range of health services and also encouraging us all to build and maintain healthy lifestyles

Mission Statement
quotTo work with the people of our community to promote encourage and enable their health wellbeing and independencequot

Improve wellness
Improve long term condition management
Improve participation and independence
Improve health and disability support services
Improve sustainability


The beginning for both Nelson and Wairau Hospitals can be found in the earliest development of the top of New Zealands South Island

Settlement in both Nelson and Marlborough represented many difficulties from the health of the immigrants when they arrived off ship to impure water supply and hostile terrain

This was especially marked in Marlborough as settlers moved out in to the Sounds

In Nelson the first hospital was established in 1852 with Marlboroughs following in 1865

While hospital development for Nelson has always centred around in Nelson City for Marlborough a cottage hospital was built in Picton in the early days

The hospitals in both areas grew as need required and as provincial then central government coffers would allow

For many years the Nelson and Wairau Hospitals and their related services were managed separately Amalgamation first occurred in 1988 with the establishment of the Nelson Marlborough Area Health Board

Over the years both Hospitals have gone through a number of transitions to become some of New Zealands leading health care providers providing a range of facilities and services required by the diverse communities they serve

Today both hospitals and a myriad of other services are managed by the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board

The Nelson Marlborough District Health Board which came in to being in 2001 employs over two thousand health professionals and other workers Their skills and enthusiasm serve a population of nearly 120000 in a region that is one of the fastest growing in New Zealand
Hospitals will get a shot in the arm

District health boards are snapping up a British National Health Service initiative to improve productivity in hospital wards and operating theatres The Productive Operating Theatre and Productive Wards Releasing Time to Care programmes involve relatively lowcost and simple measures Bay of Plenty District Health Board among the first to impl... Read More

10 Million Aging Baby Boomers Heading Straight Into Alzheimer Years

One night my mother wandered I had no idea I was sound asleep When I woke up and found her she was fully dressed Her shoes were soaking wet It had rained the day before so I realized she had been out That was the turning point Thats when I knew I could no longer care for my mother at home It was beyond my control Helen Hendersons experience with... Read More