Nelson & District Hospice Society

Name :

Nelson & District Hospice Society

Address  :

Box 194, Nelson

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V1L 5P9

Phone  :

250 352 2337

Fax  :

250 352 2377

Web URL  :


Mission Statement
Providing practical emotional and spiritual support to individuals and their loved ones through the stages of dying death and bereavement


Nelson amp District Hospice Society began as a small volunteer meeting in 1984 with a few people dedicated to improving service to residents approaching the end of their lives Since then it has grown into a flourishing volunteer organization providing service to a large geographic area extending along the North Shore to Balfour and in the other direction all the way up to Slocan City A pool of 45 trained volunteers support clients in their homes the hospital and care facilities We appreciate a close working relationship between ourselves Community Home Nursing the staff at Kootenay Lake Hospital and many other service providers in the community
Manage your asthma so you can live your life

Missing her recent swimming sports and Walkathon are just two of the downsides of having severe asthma and allergies for Aalyana Losefa And while Aalyana does get disappointed when she misses out she understands that being well is most important Aalyana is one of the nearly 300000 children in New Zealand with asthma quotAalyana has never known a... Read More

How do you protect your children from household poisons

Selina Esteves thought that she knew everything when it came to protecting her children from danger The Toronto mother works at the Hospital for Sick Children and is constantly surrounded by messages about the importance of safety But she received a major jolt about four months ago when her toddler drank two bottles of liquid medication when ... Read More