Mokau Health Centre

Name :

Mokau Health Centre

Address  :

PO Box 6

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

06 752 9723

Fax  :

06 752 9058

Web URL  :


Ambulance : 1

Ambulance Contact Number : 0800 735 466


The Community Health Nurse at the Mokau Health centre assists with all aspects of acute and ongoing health care for persons of all ages in cooperation with other hospital and community services Referrals are arranged to other appropriate services as necessary

The Mokau Community Health Nurse covers the area from Mt Messenger to Awakino Gorge and the settlements of Ahititi Okau Tongaporutu Mohakatino Mokau Awakino Whareorino

The nurse has clinic time from 9am to 11am Monday Wednesday and Friday except for public holidays No appointments are needed for the clinic but a phone call is recommended Home or clinic visits outside these hours are by appointment
Children with ear infections leave parents in misery survey

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Mothers milk and touch best for infants health

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