Millhouse Integrative Medical Centre


Name :

Millhouse Integrative Medical Centre

Address  :

128 and 130 Millhouse Drive

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

09 537 4980

Fax  :

09 537 5476

Web URL  :


Which Millhouse
Years ago in fact when the Millhouse Medical Centre was still being built in 1994 we researched the meaning of the street name naively thinking there had been an actual mill alongside the strawberry fields south of Botany Road Local historian Alan La Roche disenchanted us with a hoot of laughter saying the only mill was in the developers imagination Nevertheless the image of a Millhouse providing health and sustenance for the community was appealing We kept the name but chose images symbolising life and hope for our branding

Our Beginnings
The Millhouse Medical Centre began in 1994 when Doctors Richard Coleman Mark Denekamp and Serene Hu purchased a unit in a small shopping block in the new housing area of East Auckland known as Botany Downs or new Howick Serene Hu had a special interest in the Asian immigrants who were settling in Howick After two years she decided to refocus her energies at her Northcote practice and doctors Kooi Chean Rose Phan and Hong Duan cared for the Chinesespeaking patients for various periods During those earlier years Christine Morgan had commenced parttime work and Dr Christine Hutton joined for a two year period

In 1999 Else Seligmann purchased Mark Denekamps medical practice and Lyndsey Kabat began parttime service Heather Macdonald joined the medical group from 2001 till 2005 When Lyndsey Kabat moved to Australia Aileen Wong was appointed to the clinic More recently Therese Kella has joined the practice and in July 2009 Doctor Coleman bought what had been Dr Seligmanns part of the practice as she had reduced her duties due to ill health

In 2010 Scott McLaren joined the practice and the Centre was expanded to include the house at Number 130 The doctors are supported by dedicated staff who will assist you in accessing quality integrative medical health care at the Millhouse Medical Centre
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