Lumsden Maternity Centre


Name :

Lumsden Maternity Centre

Address  :

58 Garden Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

03 248 7050

Fax  :

64 3 248 7196

Web URL  :


Lumsden Maternity Centre is a Primary Birthing Facility providing midwifery led care to pregnant women in the Lumsden Te Anau area

The centre is owned by the Northern Southland Medical Trust and managed by the administrator midwives and nurses employed to provide this community service

Our midwives are qualified to be your Lead Maternity Carer throughout your pregnancy and childbirth experienceThey will discuss all your options with you and provide regular checkups throughout the antenatal period making referals for scans blood tests or to be seen by an obstetrician or other specialist doctor should the need arise

The midwives are on call 24 hours a day for emergencies and women in labour and together with registered nurses provide excellent 24 hour care for you and your baby whilst staying in our family friendly unit

This promotes a calm and supportive environment to get to know your new family member and enables you to establish breast feeding with plenty of expert advice and help before heading home together

Our midwives will continue that support once you are home and provide regular checkups for both mum and baby for 4 to 6 weeks after your baby is born

Our fully qualified nurses provide 24 hour care They are supportive and full of excellent practical knowledge that will nurture you and your new family in those important first days

Lumsden Maternity Centre is a recently renovated modern Primary Maternity facility adjoined by the local GP practice
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