Longwood Rest Home


Name :

Longwood Rest Home

Address  :

10 Albany Street

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Phone  :

03 234 8099

Fax  :

03 234 9053

Web URL  :

Not Available


At rest home level the staff at Longwood in Riverton are able to care for up to 14 people and there is registered nurse coverage 24hours a day

Longwoods building was designed specifically to be an aged care facility

This means it is on one level there are no steps and all entrances for residents are wheelchair accessible You will also find that there are hand rails throughout the facility

Hospital and dementia level care is also available at Longwood

Longwood is part of the Oceania Group a member of the New Zealand Aged Care Association
Neurosurgery Fund reaches 2 million

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Going to the Alzheimer support group certainly made it easier for me

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