Hoon Hay Village – Mental Health Unit

Name :

Hoon Hay Village – Mental Health Unit

Address  :

16 Anvers Place

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Phone  :

03 335 0297

Fax  :

03 335 0396

Web URL  :


Hoon Hay Village Mental Health Unit is a unique facility offering specialist mental health care physical disability and intellectual care for a group of residents under the 65 year age group The current building was purpose built and opened in April of 2011

The staff includes an experienced Clinical Leader who has extensive background and a staff of support workers trained in mental health and social work

An Occupational Therapist and Activities Officer provides an environment in which each individual is encouraged to engage In the daily organisation of their life The focus on care is rehabilitation where possible by other providers of mental health and is also supported by attendance at a range of community based activities
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