Golden Age Rest Home

Name :

Golden Age Rest Home

Address  :

96 Harewood Road, Papanui

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Phone  :

03 375 0720

Fax  :

03 375 0726

Web URL  :


The level of service is second to none The Manager and Registered Nurse is on call 24 hours a day The staff of 25 include oncall Doctors Registered Nurse Physiotherapists an Activities Coordinator Home Assistants Cooks Cleaners and Gardener Hairdressers inhouse salon Podiatrists and Beauty Therapists make regular visits Our Cooks are renowned for the tasty nourishing meals and will gladly cater for individual requirements including diabetics There is a friendly relaxed atmosphere at Golden Age with the caring staff and residents enjoying a happy rapport Little extra touches like the daily predinner sherry and the frequent home baked treats which the cook provides all contribute to a most pleasant environment which offers companionship and privacy as required

A very pleasant place to live Where the little touches make it such a special place

Its a lovely ultramodern building with 52 comfortable bedrooms several spacious lounges several outdoor courtyards with lawns and gardens to enjoy On site is the Golden Age Retirement Village and adjoining Golden Age there is Camellia Court and Albarosa both of which specialise in dementia care All are members of the Golden Healthcare Group where residents enjoy the benefits of additional clinical resources and integration within a service designed to provide a continuum of care to meet residents changing needs
Ambulances get top defibrillators

Three hitech defibrillators have been bought to equip Taranaki ambulances with another tool to combat cardiac arrests Yesterday Mayor Harry Duynhoven presented the new machines worth more than 30000 each to St John St John North Taranaki area committee chairman Doug Ashby said every year in New Zealand more than 1000 people went into cardiac ... Read More

80 healthcare professionals attend Metabolic Dieticians Workshop

Out of nearly 160000 babies screened at Hamad Medical Corporation HMC for metabolic disorders in the last nine years about 270 babies have tested positive a leading neonatal expert said Professor George Hoffmann chairman of paediatrics at Heidelberg University Hospital Germany was speaking at the Second Middle East Metabolic Dieticians Workshop h... Read More